Edit Sensors

Configuration and settings changes.

Edit Sensors

Configuration and settings changes.


Editing sensors is a feature most often used after cloning a sensor or when the user wants to adjust some values like scale and offset.

Editing configuration

  1. Go to the home view by clicking in the ubiworx logo or the home icon.
  2. In the Dashboard view click on the gateway you want to update the sensor.
  3. Once the view loads, click the Edit button in the sensors side navigation menu under the Configuration section.
  4. Select the sensor you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
  5. Amend the required fields.
  6. Save changes:
  • Using the button, the changes are saved on the ubiworx broker and will be synced the next time the device reconnects.
  • Using the button, the changes are saved on the ubiworx broker and a sync request is sent to the gateway.


Any of the configuration fields can be edited except for the sensor Unique ID.

Filling in the form

Fields marked with an asterisks * are mandatory.

General info

Field Description
Type Select the type of sensor you want to add.
Name * Insert a name for the new sensor.
Unique ID * Insert a unique ID, this ID needs to be unique only to this gateway. Note: this field can NOT be changed once created.
Hardware Address Identifies the address where the sensor is connected.
Hardware type Specify what type of sensor you want to create.
Possible options are:
* iio-adc - analog
* iio-dig - digital
* virtual - virtual sensor/actuator


Field Description
Min The minimum expected value.
Max The maximum expected value.

Data Sampling

Field Description
Scale The value used to convert row date into samples in the expected range. For more details check out the example above.
Offset The number used to indicate the lowest expected value. If the min recordable temperature is -30 then the value of this field should be -30.
Sample rate The expected sample rate sent to the ubiworx broker.
Units Describe the sample value.
Filters Add filters to the sensor to extend the default sensor functionality.
Available filters:
* average(10) - function used to average a number of samples.