Edit Gateways

Configuration and settings changes.

 Edit Gateways

Configuration and settings changes.


The edit gateway feature allows users to edit the configuration values of a gateway. Editing configuration values might be necessary if the user wants to change the name of the gateway or to replace a faulty gateway by updating the MAC address to match the address of the replacement gateway.

Editing configuration

  1. Go to the home view by clicking in the ubiworx logo or the home icon.
  2. In the gateway side navigation click on the Edit button under the Configuration section.
  3. Select the gateway you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
  4. Amend the required fields.
  5. Save changes:
  • Using the button, the changes are saved on the ubiworx broker and will be synced the next time the device reconnects or at the keepalive interval.
  • Using the button, the changes are saved on the ubiworx broker and a sync request is sent to the gateway.


Any of the configuration fields can be edited except for the gateway Unique ID.

The form fields

Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

General info

Field Description
Name * Insert a name for the new gateway.
Unique ID * The ID of the device. Note: this field can NOT be edited.
MAC * Identifies the hardware device being used. If a gateway needs to be replaced, the value in this field can be updated to reflect the new hardware.
Keepalive interval The number of seconds between each “active” notification. If the ubiworx broker has not received a notification for a period of twice as long as the value in this field, the gateway will be automatically considered to be offline.
Mobile Indicate if the location of the gateway is constantly changing. For example the gateway is installed in a car, a train …
Latitude Indicate the location of the gateway.
Longitude Indicate the location of the gateway.


Field Description
Broker * The IP address of the device you wish to communicate with for example broker.ubiworx.com
ESSID ID * The name of the wireless network. If the new gateway is a Client, the name is the ID of the network you want to connect to. If the new gateway is a Access Point, the name is the ID of the network you want to create.
SSID Channel Indicate the wireless network channel.
WPA/WPA2 passphrase * The password for the wireless network.
Gateway type * Indicate if the new gateway is an Access Point or a Client to an access point.
Select parent gateway If the new gateway is a Client, indicate who is the parent.
DHCP Indicate if the IP address is dynamically allocated.
Static IP address Store the static IP number for the new gateway.
Subnet mask Used to identify the network address on an IP.
DNS server The IP of the server used to resolve domain names.
Mail server The server used to send email alerts.
Email alert list The email address used to receive any alarms triggered in relation to this gateway.
SMS alert list The phone number used to receive any alarms triggered in relation to this gateway.