ubiworx™ broker

User Guide

ubiworx broker

Manage and control IoT Gateways powered by ubiworx.

What is the ubiworx broker?

The ubiworx broker is a broker-based gateway management platform developed by Emutex that facilitates management and controle of ubiworx enabled IoT gateways.

The ubiworx broker empowers the customer to fully manage the flow of all information and events to private or cloud services and to manage all connected gateways, sensors and actuators.

Gateway Broker Application
ubiworx enabled gateway that connect sensors and actuators to Cloud Services via the ubiworx broker ubiworx broker routes data into Cloud Services and enables remote management of gateways, sensors and actuators Use our interface or build your own to view and manage your gateways and sensors

Core features

The ubiworx broker offers a wide range of features from simple gateway connection status, data visualization, and live data retrieval from a sensor to more complex features like adding new gateways and sensors from the interface, updating and synchronizing configuration details, and exporting encrypted configuration files.

  • Configure and update gateway & sensors details.
  • View gateways and sensors status.
  • Get live data from remote sensors and actuators.
  • Remotely control actuators.
  • Set threshold limits for alarms.
  • Receive email notification when thresholds are exceeded.

The interface

The ubiworx broker interface has 3 main sections:

  1. The main menu provides easy access to the main gateway view, documentation and user related functionality.
  2. Side navigation with links related to the main view, gateway or sensor specific operations.
  3. Main view presents the information for the currently selected view.
interface main sections

interface main sections